ATE Prelim. Proposal


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===Biographical Sketches: See description under Full Proposal Instructions===  
==Biographical Sketches==  
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Revision as of 15:45, 1 April 2010


Preliminary Proposal (working draft)

Cover Sheet: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

This will be done by Chemeketa's grant office prior to submission (for the project grant).

Project Data Form: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

This will be done by Chemeketa's grant office and Mitch prior to submission (for the project grant)

Project Summary

Grant Notes for summary

  • The one-page Project Summary should clearly indicate, in the first few sentences, the disciplinary focus (or foci) of the proposed project, the kinds of activities to be undertaken (e.g. educational materials development, adaptation and implementation, professional development for educators), and the primary audience to be affected by those activities (e.g., two-year college students, secondary school students, two-year college faculty members, secondary school teachers). This information is used to assign the proposal to a panel for review. Proposers are reminded that the Project Summary must explicitly address, in separate statements, both NSB-approved merit review criteria; the statements must contain the phrases "intellectual merit" and "broader impacts." Preliminary or full proposals that do not separately address both merit review criteria within the one-page Project Summary will be returned without review.

Key items to be clearly stated (these are allowed grant funding activities that seem to relate to this proposal)

  • provide professional development as well as externships for college faculty and secondary school teachers;
  • link educators and educational programs in two- and four-year institutions and secondary schools, and connect them to business, industry, and government;
  • develop programs with a focus on technological education for prospective K-12 teachers that link two-year and four-year college programs;
  • develop career pathways for technicians from secondary to two-year college programs and from two-year to four-year institutions.
  • serve the needs of both first-time students and returning students and workers wishing to acquire new skills;
  • adapt exemplary educational materials, courses, and curricula developed elsewhere including post-baccalaureate certificate programs;
  • implement national science, mathematics, technology, and industry standards in education;

Summary bullet points

Project Description

Grant Notes for description:

  • In preliminary proposals, the length of the Project Description is limited to 6 pages (single-spaced). In full proposals, the length is limited to 15 pages (single-spaced). The Project Description should explain the project's motivating rationale, goals, objectives, deliverables, and activities; the timetable; the management plan; the roles and responsibilities of the PI, co-PI(s), and other senior personnel; the plan for sustainability after the period of NSF funding; the evaluation plan; the dissemination plan; and results from evaluations of prior NSF support. The subsection on Results from Prior NSF Support should only cover awards pertaining to education; describe research awards only if they have a direct bearing on the new proposal. If the proposed project is based on previously funded work, the proposal must thoroughly describe the results of the prior project, demonstrate that the project achieved its objectives, and provide evidence of the quality and effectiveness of the project's deliverables. (Supplementary documents may also be used, subject to the constraints indicated below, to illustrate prior work.)
  • It is expected that at least some aspects of both centers and projects will be sustained or institutionalized past the period of award funding. Being sustainable means that a project or center has developed a product or service that the host institution, its partners, and its target audiences want continued. To be sustainable is to ensure a center's or project's products and services have a life beyond ATE funding

Description bullet points

  • Compilation of curricula from national best practices
    • References to "CS Unplugged", "Exploring CS" and NSDL search
  • Professional development
    • Include discussion of SOA/TechStart SuperQuest with the grant sponsoring SuperQuest sessions on the CS Program of Study and Curriculum resources.
  • Professional development community
    • Include discussion of grant support for the of development of a digital library/repository for the CS program of study and curriculum materials to be done and hosted on the OCSTA professional development communities web site.
  • Incentives for teachers: credit, stipends, ...
  • Programs of study
    • Include info on new direction of AP Computer Science course and Oregon Discrete Math course as part of the direction for a CS program of study.
  • Marketing to teachers, administrators, students

References Cited

Grant references notes

  • Literature cited should specifically relate to the proposed project, and the Project Description should make clear how each reference has played a role in the motivation for or design of the project. Relevant literature on research in teaching and learning as well as relevant literature on technical education efforts should be cited.

References List

Biographical Sketches

Budget: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

Grant budget notes

  • Budget: A Budget Justification of up to three pages must accompany the budget forms and provide details about budget line items. This includes justification for the subawards. Except for preliminary proposals, proposals that involve subawards should include subaward budgets. Note: Because this program solicitation does not require cost-sharing, proposers are advised not to include any cost-sharing on Line M of the proposal budget. Line M of the FastLane budget should be "0". The budget must include funds to support travel to the annual ATE PI Conference.

Budget summary/discussion


Project Year 1 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 1 total


Project Year 2 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 2 total


Project Year 3 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 3 total

Project Total Budget


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