ATE Prelim. Proposal


Revision as of 14:37, 1 April 2010 by Mitchfry (Talk | contribs)
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Preliminary Proposal (working draft)

Cover Sheet: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

This will be done by Chemeketa's grant office prior to submission (for the project grant).

Project Data Form: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

This will be done by Chemeketa's grant office and Mitch prior to submission (for the project grant)

Project Summary: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

Project Description: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

Grant Note: In preliminary proposals, the length of the Project Description is limited to 6 pages (single-spaced).

  • Compilation of curricula from national best practices
    • References to "CS Unplugged", "Exploring CS" and NSDL search
  • Professional development
  • Professional development community
  • Incentives for teachers: credit, stipends, ...
  • Programs of study
    • Include info on new direction of AP Computer Science course and Oregon Discrete Math course as part of the direction for a CS program of study.
  • Marketing to teachers, administrators, students

References Cited: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

Biographical Sketches: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

Budget: See description under Full Proposal Instructions

In preliminary proposals, budgets for subawards are not required.

Project Year 1 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 1 total


Project Year 2 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 2 total


Project Year 3 Budget

Part-time PI and 2 co-PI's 3 * .33 FTE (1 FTE) $80,000.00
Project support/professional services 1 FTE @ 60,000K $60,000.00
Benefits/OPE @ 40%
Materials & supplies

Web hosting/tech support
Project Evaluation
Indirect 10%
Project Year 3 total

Project Total Budget


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