OCCC Next Meeting
The OCCC has meetings during the Fall and Spring of each academic year, with the host and dates selected at the previous meeting. The host is responsible for the meeting room, food, and parking plans. Contact them to confirm your attendance and specify any special requirements for your meal. Discuss ride sharing on the email list.
- When
- 2018-10-12
- Where
- OSU Cascades
- Host
- Yong Bakos
- Room, parking, food
- Tykeson Hall 206 (map)
- Park in the parking lot, come to TYKH 206 and Yong will provide you a free parking pass.
- Breakfast and lunch will be provided; contact the host promptly with any special food needs.
The chair maintains the agenda, mediates each meeting, and works with the host to coordinate planning. The secretary records, publishes, and maintains the minutes. Officers are selected to serve two-year terms.
- Chair
- Robert Surton
- Secretary
- Joseph Jess
- Next selection
- Spring 2019
- Friday 0800 Breakfast meeting
- 0900 Introduction
- Approve previous minutes
- 0915 News from the colleges
- Round table discussion
- Break around 1030
- 1200 Lunch
- Lunch topic or catch up with colleagues
- Group photo
- 1300 OCCC business
- Group topics (submit agenda items to the chair)
- Select next meeting time, location, and host
- Select next chair and secretary (at the last meeting of their term)
- David Swenson award presentation (at the discretion of the award committee)
- 1400 Afternoon CIS and CS breakout discussions
- CS topics (submit agenda items to the chair)
- Outcomes update (Robert Surton, CGCC)
- CIS topics (submit agenda items to the chair)
- 1500 End