Contents to be developed. See Data Structures for begining work.
Course Content Goals
The CS1 content area will be designed to be LANGUAGE INDEPENDENT; thus teaching the range of computer science concepts normally taught in a CS1 course using a language independent presentation. General language concepts and psuedocode will be used present the initial introduction to programming concepts. Each topic will then provide links to language specific sections that can be independently developed for multiple langauges. Thus the CS1 content will be easily adapted to an evolving set of specific langauges and individual school preferences on language instruction. An additional benefit that will hopefully be achieved is that CS students will recieve a stronger introduction to Computer Science as a disipline, rather than just learning a single programming language.
Additionally, each topic will try to be written as a somewhat independent chunk; so individual instructors can make their own decisions on presentation sequencing (such as objects first vs. procedural first presentations).
Random Content Pages
These content pages are being created somewhat randomly for my use in CS161-CS162 on an as needed basis. At some future time (?) they will be organized into a text flow when there is time and adequate content.