Simple Sorts


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There are three basic simple sorting algorithms: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, and Bubble Sort. We will consider how each sort works using the example: 81, 94, 11, 96, 12, 35, 17, 95, 28, 58, 41, 75, 15 and sorting in ascending order.

Insertion Sort:

We can see that the worst case for Insertion Sort is when the data is sorted in the opposite order; i.e., the data is in descending order and we want it sorted in ascending order. In this case, for N items, the sort requires, 1 + 2 + 3 + … + N -1 comparisons. By Gauss’s formula, this is ((N(N-1))/2)-N comparisons, which makes Insertion Sort an O( N2) algorithm. The best case for Insertion Sort, however, occurs when the data is already sorted in the proper order. In this case, the sort requires N comparisons for N data items making it an Ω(N) sort in the best case.

A variation of Insertion Sort is called Binary Insertion Sort. This sort uses a binary search to find the proper location for the item being inserted. However, while a binary insertion sort can take less time than insertion sort for a large array, the asymptotic run-time does not change.

Selection Sort:

As we can see from the example, a selection sort must run a minimum or a maximum function on the unsorted portion of the data to find the next element to be placed. Since it takes N comparisons to find the minimum or the maximum of N unsorted items, selection sort requires N + N-1 + N-2 + … + 2 comparisons to sort N items. Again, by Gauss’s formula, this makes Selection Sort O( N2 ). Note, however, that it doesn’t matter if the data is sorted already or not. Selection Sort requires the same number of comparisons in all cases, so that Selection Sort is Ω( N2 ) as well.

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